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History (연혁)

2024. 11. 28. 81차 콘서트 (Marian Court Units, 18 Margret St. Strathfield, NSW

2024.11.18. 제8회 호주한인 자원봉사자 대회 (St Philips Anglican Church, 29 Clanalpine St, Eastwood NSW 2122)

2024.10.17. Dementia Expo 2024, by Canterbury-Bankstown Dementia Alliance (특별초청공연)

2024. 7. 15. 제8차 호주호스피스협회(ACC) 정기총회 (본회 사무실, 167 Shaftsbury Rd., Eastwood, NSW)

2024. 7. 8. 76차 콘서트 (Leigh Place Aged Care, 12-18 Leigh Avenue Roselands NSW)

2024. 4.22~26. 제9기 호스피스 자원봉사자 연수교육 (St. Philips Anglican Church, Eastwood, NSW)

2024. 1. 18. 백세수회 (일명, 백수회) Blue Mountain 걷기 시작

2024. 1. 17. 헤세드 문화 학교 개교 (매주 수요일 콘서트 준비를 위한 음악 및 댄스 교실 운영)

2023. 11. 20 제7회 호주한인 자원봉사자 대회 (시드니 동산교회, 125 Great Western Hwy, Mays Hill NSW 2145)

2023. 9.18~22. 다문화 너싱홈 입소 예정자 사전교육 – City of Ryde 지원 (12~18 Leigh Avenue, Roselands NSW)

2023. 8.14. 제64차 콘서트 ( Scalabrini Village, 167 Allambie Rd. Allambie Heights, NSW)

2023. 8.12. 한국 울산과학대학교 간호학과 학생 (해외 현장 탐방)

2023.7.24. 제63차 콘서트 (Dorothy Henderson Lodge, Baptist Care,157 Balaclava Rd. Macquarie Park, NSW)

2023. 7. 17. 제7차 호주호스피스협회(ACC) 정기총회 (본회 사무실, 167 Shaftsbury Rd., Eastwood, NSW)

2023. 6. 5. 제62차 콘서트 (Opal Health Care, 20 Albert St. Campsie, NSW)

2023. 5.22.   제61차 콘서트 (Leigh Place Aged Care, 12 Leigh Avenue, Roselands,  NSW)

2023.5.15.  제60차 콘서트 (Shalom Centre, Baptist Care, 157 Balaclava Rd. Macquarie Park, NSW)

2023. 4.17~20. 제8기 호스피스 자원봉사자 연수교육 (대구 동산병원 호스피스회와 공동 주관) ZOOM으로 강의

2023. 3. 29.   Leigh Place Aged care 와 MOU 체결 (한인 너싱홈 위탁 운영의 첫 걸음)

2023. 3. 13. 제59차 콘서트 (Aminya Centre, 6 Goolgung Ave, Baulkham Hills NSW)

2023.2. 21. 제58차 콘서트 (Columbia Aged Care, 80 Albert Rd. Stralthfield NSW)

2023.2.20. 제57차 콘서트 (Donington Court, Anglicare, Clarke Dr, Castle Hill NSW)

2023.1.23. 제56차 콘서트 (Jesmond Aged Care,  81-85 Albert Rd, Strathfield NSW)

2022. 12. 19. 성탄송년기도회 (방학 2022.12.20 ~ 2023. 1. 15.)

2022. 12. 12. 제55차 콘서트(Leigh Place Aged Care, 12-18 Leigh Ave. Roselands, NSW)

2022. 12. 5. 제6회 자원봉사자대회(새벽종소리 명성교회, 31 East St. Lidcombe, NSW)

2022. 11. 28. 제54차 콘서트(Dorothy Henderson Lodge, Baptist Care, 157 Balaclava Rd. Macquarie Park, NSW)

2022. 10. 10. 제53차 콘서트(Gracewood Centre, Baptist Care, 2 Free Settlers Drive, Kellyville, NSW)

2022. 9. 26. 제52차 콘서트 (Leigh Place Aged Care, 12-18 Leigh Ave. Roselands, NSW)

2022. 8. 15~18. 제7기 호스피스 자원봉사자 연수교육(한국, 일본, 미국, 뉴질랜드 Online ZOOM 으로 강의, 교육장소: 새벽종소리 명성교회, Lidcombe NSW)

2022.8.15. 제51차 콘서트 (Opal Health Care, 20 Albert St. Campsie, NSW)

2022.7.23 ~ 26.  건강증진 활동 온천여행 (Lightning Ridge, NSW Outback)

2022. 7. 11. 제6차 호주호스피스협회(ACC) 정기총회 (본회 사무실, 167 Shaftsbury Rd., Eastwood, NSW)

2022. 7. 4. 제50차 콘서트(Uniting Thomas Roseby Ledge, 388 Illawarra Rd.. Marrickville, NSW) 

2022. 4. 18.  제49차 콘서트(Jesmond Aged Care, 81-84 Albert Rd. Strathfield, NSW) COVID-19 으로 야외 콘서트

2022. 1. 24.  COVID-19으로 야외 신년 하례회/ 월요중보기도회/ 설날 음식나눔행사

                    (Cumberland State Forest)

2021.12.20. 5차 COVID-19 Pandemic (오미크론 바이러스 급속 확산)

2021.11.15..제5회 호주한인자원봉사자대회 및 대한민국 국무총리 표창 단체상 시상

                      (전수식: 홍상우 시드니 총영사), 제6기 자원봉사 교육 수료자 수료식

2021. 9. 1. "COVID-19에게 보내는 글쓰기 캠페인" 시작

2021. 7. 19. 제5차 호주호스피스협회 (ACC) 정기총회 (방법: COVID-19 제한 조치로  온라인 ZOOM을 이용 함)

2021. 6. 17. 4차 COVID-19 Pandemic (집에서 사방 5Km 이상 이동금지로 인해 모든 활동 중지) 

2021. 6. 7.   제48차 콘서트(Windermere Aged Care, Summer Hill, NSW)

2021. 5. 24. 제47차 콘서트(Shalom, Baptist Care, Macqurie Park, NSW) 

2021. 4. 12~14. 제6기 호스피스 자원봉사자 연수교육

                                (한국 대구동산병원, 안양샘병원; 미국 LA 소망 Society)

2020.12.20 3차 COVID-19 Pandemic (단체모임 인원제한 및 방문장소 QR 코드 의무화)

2020.12.14.제4회 호주한인 자원봉사자 대회 및 시상식 (Cumberland State Forest, 95 Castle Hill Rd, West Pennant Hills NSW)

2020.8.28 COVID-19 Pandemic (한국동포재단 지원 마스크 및   교민동포 후원 손소독제 나눔)

2020. 7.20. 제4차 호주호스피스협회 (ACC) 정기총회 (장소: 12 Hyland Avenue, West Pennant Hill, NSW)

2020. 7. 4. 2차 COVID-19 Pandemic (Melbourne 에 코로나 전염병 확산으로 주경계 차단) 코로나 전염병(COVID-19)제한 조치 후  월요중보기도회 (비전 홀, 시드니 온누리교회, 18 Main Avenue Lidcombe NSW 2141) 및  암환우와 그의 가족과 함께 바닷가 걷기 활동 재개

2020. 4. 10. 사무실 이전 (Eastwood Community Centre, 159 Shaftsbury Road Eastwood, NSW)

2020. 3. 30. 코로나 전염병(COVID-19)방역을 위해 정부의 2명이상 모임 금지지침으로 월요중보기도회 및 활동 중단

2020. 3. 10. 1차 COVID-19 Pandemic  (3월2일 최초 사망자 발생)  코로나 전염병(COVID-19)퇴치를 위한 113 (매일 오전 11시 정각 3분 기도)연속기도회 시작

2020.2.17. 제46차 콘서트(Alan Walker Village, Carlingford, NSW)

2020.1.29. 제45차 콘서트(Shalom, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

2020.1.20. 제44차 콘서트(Estia Health Nursing Home, Ryde, NSW)

2019.12.16. 성탄송년 BBQ 및 야외기도회(Cumberland State Forest, West Pennant Hills NSW)


2019.12.8. 제43차 콘서트(Gracewood Centre, Baptist Care, Kellyville, NSW)

2019.11.11. 제3회 호주한인자원봉사자대회 및 시상식(대상: 이금귀)

제5기 자원봉사자교육수료식: 양아그네스 방숙 최선옥 이홍분 김덕임 노한나

2019.11.11. 제42차 콘서트(Southern Cross Aged Care, Marsfield, NSW)

2019.10.21. 제41차 콘서트(St Catherine’s Aged Services, Eastwood,NSW)

2019.9.30.~10.4. 제5기 한호 호스피스자원봉사자 연수교육

2019.9.30. 제40차 콘서트(Shalom Centre, Macqurie Park, NSW)


2019.8.19. 제39차 콘서트(Ainsley Aged Care, Burwood, NSW)

2019.8.12. 제3차 호주호스피스협회(ACC) 정기총회(Jino's 식당, Strathfield, NSW)

2019.7.22. 제38차 콘서트(Jesmond Aged Care, Strathfield, NSW)


2019.7.2. 기독교복음방송 GOOD TV - 호주호스피스협회 선교사역 소개 방영

2019.6.17. 제37차 콘서트(Uniting Thomas Roseby Lodge, Marricville NSW)


2019.5.23. City of Ryde 로부터 자원봉사단체 표창장 수상

2019.5.6. 제34차 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(Windmere Aged Care Facility, Summer Hill, NSW)

2019.5.5. YTN 방송-호주호스피스협회 소개 방영 (8:25 pm 호주시간)

2019.4.8. 제33차 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(Opal Nursing Home, Campsie, NSW)

2019.4.1. HIV/Hepatitis 교육 세미나(본회 사무실)

2019.3.25. 영문소식지 발행(Vol.19)


2019. 3.11. 제32차 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(Woodlands Nursing Home, Cherrybrook, NSW) 

2019. 2. 11. 재31차 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(DHL centre, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

2019. 1. 21. 제30차 호스피스 ‘찾아가는 음악회’(Estia Health Nursing Home, Ryde, NSW)

2018.12.10. 제29차 호스피스 ‘찾아가는 음악회
’(Grace Wood Centre, Baptist Care, Kellyville, NSW)

2018.11.12. 제28차 호스피스 ‘찾아가는 음악회
’(Southern Cross Aged Care, Marsfield NSW)

2018.11.12. 제2회 호주한인자원봉사자대회(협찬:
(모범상: 이금귀 송정희 성순자 공로상: 정윤섭 김영희)

2018.10.23. 호주호스피스협회(ACC)의 별칭으로 ‘Good Family
Community (선한가족공동체’를 별칭으로 공식 등록 함

2018.10.15. 제27차 호스피스 ‘찾아가는 음악회’
(St Catherine Aged Service, Eastwood, NSW )

2018.9.24~9.28. 제4기 한호 호스피스 자원봉사자 연수교육

(특별초청강사: 이임선 교수 (간호사, 웃음치료사), 박명화 (웃음치료센터 실장) 

2018.9.24. 제26차 호스피스 '찾아가는 음악회'(Shalom Centre, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)


2018.9.17. 본회 사무실 이전 감사예배 (주소: 17 Lansdowne St. Eastwood, NSW 2122)

2018.8.13. 제25차 호스피스 '찾아가는 음악회(Windermere Aged Care, Summer Hill, NSW)

2018.8.11. 제2차 호주호스피스협회(ACC) 정기총회(Jino's 식당, Strathfield, NSW)

2018.7.15~8.4. 암 환우에게 건강음식을 공급하기 위하여 부엌을 마음껏 사용할 수 있는 사무실을 구하기 위한 21일  연속 금식 기도회


2018.7.9. 제24차 호스피스 '찾아가는 음악회'(Columbia Aged Care, Strathfield, NSW)

2018.7.4. ACC 호주호스피스협회와 기독교복음방송 GOOD TV와 MOU 협약 체결

2018.7.2. ACC 호주호스피스협회와 숭실사이버대학교와 MOU 협약 체결

2018.6.18. 제23차 호스피스 '찾아가는 음악회'(Uniting Thomas Roseby Lodge, Marrickville, NSW)

2018.5.7. 제22차 호스피스 '찾아가는 음악회'(DHL Center, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

2018.4.16. 제21차 호스피스 '찾아가는 음악회'(Meredith Nursing Home. Strathfield, NSW)

2018.3.12. 제20차 호스피스 '찾아가는 음악회'(Woodlands Nursing Home, Cherrybrook, NSW)

2018.2.22. 제19차 호스피스 '찾아가는 음악회'-Baptist Care 특별초청-

(Shalom Center, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

2018.2.1. 멜본 호스피스 설립 준비위한 순회원목 파송 (이순희 선교사)

2018.1.23~25. 제1기 호스피스 순회원목 교육

2018.1.22. 제18차 호스피스 '찾아가는 음악회'(Estia Health Nursing Home,Ryde, NSW)

2018.1.20. 제500회 암환우와 그의 가족과 함께 바닷가 걷기 자축 행사 (Clifton Gardens Reserve, Morella Rd., Mosman, NSW)

2017.12.18. 제17차 호스피스 ‘찾아가는 음악회’ (Gracewood Centre, Baptist Care, Kylliville, NSW)


2017.12.4. 자원봉사 단체상 수상 (호주한인공익재단(KACSI) 주최)

2017.11.20. 제1회 호스피스 자원봉사자 대회

        (Baptist Care 로부터 수상자: 송정희, 이금귀)


2017.11.20. 제16차 호스피스 ‘찾아가는 음악회’ (Southern Cross Aged Care, Marsfield, NSW) 


2017.10.30 제15차 호스피스 ‘찾아가는 음악회’ (St Catherine Aged Service, Eastwood)

2017.10.23. 제1차 헤세드 힐링 전인치유 공연 (Linburn Nursing Home, Strathfield, NSW) 

2017.9.25~29 제3기 한호 호스피스 자원봉사자 연수교육

     특별초청강사: 이종욱 (고려대 의대 상임이사/신경정신과 의사/동서병원 부원장)

     총 50명 참석(제3기 수료자: 21명, First Aid 자격 수료자: 29. 순회원목:2명)

2017.9.25. 제14차 ACC-SICA 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회" (Shalom Centre, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

2017. 9. 2. 부산 고신대 복음병원 호스피스센터장 정태식 교수 시드니 방문 특강

2017.8.25. 부산 고신대 복음병원과 호주호스피스협회(ACC) 협약 체결(MOU)

             (김장대 목사 대표 자격으로 한국방문 ACC와 협약체결)

2017.8.14. 제13차 ACC-SICA 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(Uniting Thomas Roseby Lodge, Marrickville, NSW)

2017.8.12. 제5차 시드니호스피스회(SICA) 총회 및 제1차 호주호스피스협회(ACC) 총회

    결의사항: Chairperson/Public Officer(대표): 김장대 Treasurer(사무총장): 송정희, Secretary(부대표): 성순자, Audit(감사/협동사무총장): 조철호

2017.7.10. 제12차 ACC-SICA 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(Jesmond Aged Care, Strathfield)

2017.6.12. 안양 샘병원과 호주호스피스협회 협약체결 (MOU)

            (김장대 목사 대표 자격으로 한국방문 ACC와 협약체결)

2017.6.5. 제11차 ACC-SICA 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(Columbia Aged Care, Strathfield, NSW)

2017.5.12. Baptist Care 로부터 감사 표창장 수상

2017.5.8. 제10차 ACC-SICA 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(Cooinda Court, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

2017.4.25~4.27. 제2기 한호 호스피스 자원봉사자 교육(대구계명대학교 동산의료원, 전체 60여명 참석, 호주에서 4명 참석)

2017.4.10. 제9차 ACC-SICA 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(The Gracewood Centre, Baptist Care, Kellyville,NSW)

2017.3.20. 제8차 ACC-SICA 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(Meredith House Nursing Home, Strathfield, NSW)

2017.2.20. 제7차 ACC-SICA 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(Woodlands Nursing Home, Cherrybrook, NSW)

2017.1.20. 제6차 ACC-SICA 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(Estia Health Nursing Home, Ryde, NSW)

2016.12.31. 제1회 호스피스 어머니 시상식 (수상자: 이금귀, 장지수, 장정옥)

2016.12.22. 제5차 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(Shalom Center, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW) (성탄축하연합예배: ACC-Baptist Care)

2016.12.3. 암환우와 함께 바닷가걷기 송년 BBQ 행사(Manly) : 40명 참석

2016.11.30. 제4차 호스피스 "찾아가는 음악회"(Windermere Aged Care, Summer Hill, NSW)

2016.9.26.~10.6) 제1기 한호 호스피스 자원봉사자 교육

                     전체 24명 참가(13명 수료)

특별초정강사: 전재규(대구동산병원 의사/한국호스피스협회 설립자/본회 고문)

                      김경환(대구동산병원 호스피스 자원봉사자/15년경력)

2016.9.28 제3차 추수감사주간 음악회(DHL Center, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

2016.9.26 호주정부지원 무료 First Aid 자격 교육(18명 자격취득)

2016.8.20 제4차 정기총회(장소:모지식당(Strathfield) 오후3시)

결의사항:Australian Association of Cancer Care Incorporated(ACC)(호주 호스피스 협회) 등록 (2016.8.3.) 설립(INC1601021)인준: 시드니 호스피스(SICA)는 제8차 Committee에서 Australian Association of Cancer Care Incorporated (ACC)를 설립하기로 의결하였고, 호주 전역으로 호스피스 사역을 넓히고자 호주 호스피스 협회(ACC) 설립을 총회에서 추인 함.   호주 호스피스 협회(ACC) 초대 임원(Committee Member): Chairperson/Public Officer(대표): 김장대 Treasurer(재정): 송정희, Secretary(총무): 성순자, Audit(감사): 조철호

2016. 8. 3. Australian Association of Cancer care Incorporated (호주호스피스협회) NSW 주 Fair Trading과 연방정부 ACNC에 비영리 단체 등록

2016. 5. 9. 제2차 어버니주간 음악회(Shalom Center, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

2016. 5. 3. 자연재활치료실 개장(본회 사무실 옆 건물)

2016.1.1 SICA Home Page 개설(

2015.12.28 제1차 성탄 송년 음악회(Shalom Center, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

2015.10.24 제3차 정기총회 (장소:모지식당(Strathfield) 오후 3시30분)

결의사항: 정관에 명시된 Committee 에 대한 정확한 한글 명칭이 없이 “운영위원회” 혹은 “이사회”라는 명칭으로 사용되어 조직운영에 혼란을 가져왔으므로 제3차 정기총회 이후 한글명칭 “이사회”는 해산되고, 정관에 명시된 “Committee”라는 영어 명칭을 그대로 사용하기로 하고, 새로운 Committee Member 를 받기로 함.  별칭으로 호주호스피스회(AICA, Australia Institute of Cancer Aid)를 사용하기로 함.

2015.9.30 대구 계명대학교 동산병원 호스피스회와 협약체결(MOU)

              (김장대 목사 대표 자격으로 한국방문 협약체결)

2015.9.25 부산 고신대학교 복음병원 호스피스 센터와 협약체결(MOU)

              (김장대 목사 대표 자격으로 한국방문 협약체결)

2015.8.10 사무실 이전 (St Phillip's Anglican Church)

             (29 Clanalpine St. Eastwood NSW 2122)

2015.8.8. 제2차 임시총회 (장소: 모지식당, 의제: 김장대 대표의장 신임

    (대표의장(Chairperson, Public Officer): 김장대 목사 신임, 96% 찬성)

    (2015년 4월부터 호스피스 확장 사역 준비 모임 시작)


28/11/2024.  81st Concert (Marian Court Units, 18 Margret St. Strathfield, NSW

18/11/2024. 8th ACC Hospice Volunteer Awards Ceremony (St Philips Anglican Church, 29 Clanalpine St, Eastwood NSW 2122)

17/10/2024. Dementia Expo 2024, by Canterbury-Bankstown Dementia Alliance (Special Invitation Performance)

15/7/2024. 8th ACC Hospice General Assembly (ACC Office, 167 Shaftsbury Rd., Eastwood, NSW)

8/7/2024. 76th Concert (Leigh Place Aged Care, 12-18 Leigh Avenue Roselands NSW)

22/4/2024~26/04/2024. 9th ACC Hospice Volunteer Training (St. Philip’s Anglican Church, Eastwood NSW)

4/3/2024. 71st Concert (20 Albert St. Campsie NSW)

12/ 2/2024. 70th Concert (Leigh Place Aged Care, 12-18 Leigh Avenue Roselands NSW)

18/1/2024. Bush Walk at the Blue Mountain was started. 

17/1/2024. Opening Checed  Korean Music and Dance School (Every Wednesday)

20/11/2023.   8th ACC Hospice Volunteer Awards Ceremony (Sydney Dong San Church, 125 Great Western Hwy, Mays Hill NSW 2145)

18~22/9/2023. Pre-education before entering multicultural aged care facilities – Support from City of Ryde  (12~18 Leigh Avenue, Roselands NSW)

14/8/2023. 64th Concert ( Scalabrini Village, 167 Allambie Rd. Allambie Heights, NSW)

12/8/2023. Visiting ACC Hospice from Ulsan National University of Science and Technology in Korea, Nursing Department Students, Overseas Field Trip Education.

24/7/2023. 63rd Concert (Dorothy Henderson Lodge, Baptist Care,157 Balaclava Rd. Macquarie Park, NSW)

17/7/2023. 7th ACC Hospice General Assembly (ACC Office, 167 Shaftsbury Rd., Eastwood, NSW)

5/6/2023. 62nd Concert(Opal Health Care, 20 Albert St. Campsie, NSW)

22/5/ 2023.  61st Concert (Leigh Place Aged Care, 12 Leigh Avenue, Roselands,  NSW)

15/5/ 2023   60th Concert (Shalom Centre, Baptist care, 157 Balaclava Rd. Macquarie Park, NSW)

17~20/4/2023  8th ACC Hospice Volunteer Training 

29/3/2023.  MOU with the Leigh Place Aged care

13/3/ 2023. 59th Concert (Aminya Centre, 6 Goolgung Ave, Baulkham Hills NSW)

21/2/2023.  58th Concert (Columbia Aged Care, 80 Albert Rd. Stralthfield NSW)

20/2/ 2023. 57th Concert (Donington Court, Anglicare, Clarke Dr, Castle Hill NSW)

23/1/ 2023. 56th Concert (Jesmond Aged Care,  81-85 Albert Rd, Strathfield NSW)

19/12/2022. Christmas and the Year-End Prayer Meeting 

(Holiday: 2022.12.20 ~ 2023. 1. 15.)

12/12/2022. 55th Concert (Leigh Place Aged Care, 12-18 Leigh Ave. Roselands, NSW)

5/12/2022. 6th ACC Hospice Volunteer Awards Ceremony (Myung Sung Church, 31East St. Lidcombe, NSW)

28/11/2022. 54th Concert (Dorothy Henderson Lodge, Baptist Care, 157 Balaclava Rd. Macqurie Park, NSW)

15/11/2022. 6th ACC Hospice Volunteer Awards Ceremony (Group Award from Prim minister in Republic of Korea)

10/10/2022. 53rd Concert (Gracewood Centre, Baptist Care, 2 Free Settlers Drive, Kellyville, NSW)

26/9/2022. 52nd Concert (Leigh Place Aged Care, 12-18 Leigh Ave. Roselands, NSW

15~18/8/2022. 7th Hospice Volunteer Training  (South Korea, Japan, America, Newzealand, Australia, through Online ZOOM)

15/8/2022. 51st Concert (Opal Health Care, 20 Albert St. Campsie, NSW)

23~26/7/2022.  Health Promotion Activity (Lightning Ridge, NSW Outback)

11/7/2022. 6th ACC Hospice General Assembly (ACC Office, 167 Shaftsbury Rd., Eastwood, NSW)


4/7/2022. 50th Concert (Uniting Thomas Roseby Ledge, 388 Illawarra Rd. Marrickville, NSW)

18/4/2022. 49th Concert (Jesmond Aged Carfe, 81-84 Albert Rd. Strathfield, NSW)

24/1/2022.  Outdoor New Year Praying Meeting due to  COVID-19 and sharing fruit with patients and volunteers (Cumberland State Forest)


20/12/2021.  5th wave of COVID-19 Pandemic

15/11/2021. 5th ACC Hospice Volunteer Awards Ceremony (Group Award from Prim minister in Republic of Korea)

1/9/2021. Beginning the campaign "Letter to COVID-19)

19/7/2021. 5th ACC Hospice General Assembly (Online ZOOM due to COVID-19 restrictions)

17/6/2021. 4th wave of COVID-19 Pandemic

7/6/2021. 48th Concert(Windermere Aged Care, Summer Hill, NSW)

24/5/2021. 47th Concert(Shalom, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park NSW)

12~14/4/2021 6th Hospice Volunteer Training  (Daegu Dong San Hospital Korea, Anyang Global Sam Hospital Korea;  LA Somang Society America)

20/12/2020 3rd Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic

14/12/2020 4th ACC Hospice Volunteer Awards Ceremony

28/8/2020 COVID-19 Pandemic : Sharing masks supported by Korean Government and Sharing hand-sanitisers donated by SINI Care Company

20/7/2020 4th ACC Hospice General Assembly (12 Hyland Avenue, West Pennant Hill, NSW)

4/7/2020 2nd Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic : Reopened the prayer meeting on Monday (Vision Hall, Onnuri Church, 18 Main Avenue Lidcombe NSW 2141) and the coastal walks with cancer patients on Saturday

10/4/ 2020 Office relocation (Eastwood Community Center, 159 Shaftsbury Road Eastwood, NSW)

30/3/2020 , Stopping intercession prayer meeting on Mondays due to the government's ban on meeting more than 2 people, to tackle corona virus epidemic (COVID-19)

10/3/2020 1st COVID-19 Pandemic : Started a series of prayer meetings to combat the corona virus epidemic (COVID-19) 

7/2/2020. 46th Concert(Alan Walker Village, Carlingford, NSW)

29/1/2020. 45th Concert(Shalom, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

20/1/2020. 44th Concert(Estia Health Nursing Home, Ryde, NSW)

16/12/2019. Year End BBQ (Cumberland State Forest)

9/12/2019. 43rd Concert (Gracewood Centre, Baptist
Care, Kelyville, NSW)

11/11/2019. 3rd ACC Hospice Volunteer Awards Ceremony

11/11/2019. 42nd Concert (Southern Cross Aged Care,
Marsfield, NSW)

21/10/2019. 41st Concert (St Catherine’s Aged Services,
Eastwood, NSW)

30/9/2019.~4/10. 5th Hospice Volunteer Training and
First Aid

30/9/2019. 40th Concert(Shalom Centre, Macqurie Park,

19/8/2019. 39th ACC Concert (Ainsley Aged Care, Burwood, NSW)

12/8/2019. 3rd ACC Hospice General Assembly (Jino's Restaurant, Strathfield, NSW)


22/7/2019. 38th ACC Concert (Jesmond Aged Care, Strathfield, NSW)


2/7/2019. Broadcasting ACC Hospice Activities at Korea
Christian Broadcasting GOOD TV

17/6/2019. 37th ACC Concert (Uniting Thomas Roseby
Lodge, Marricville, NSW)

23/5/2019. 2019 Volunteer Recognition Awards- Volunteer group of the yea from the City of Ryde

6/5/2019 34th Hospice Concert (Windmere Aged Care Facility, Summer Hill, NSW)

5/5/2019. YTN Korean Broad Cast -Introduction of ACC Hospice Activities  (8:25 pm)

8/4/2019. 33rd Hospice Concert (Opal Nursing Home, Campsie, NSW)

1/4/2019. HIV/Hepatitis Seminar (ACC Hospice Office)

25/3/2019. The English Monthly Magazine was published (Vol.19)

11/3/2019. 32nd Hospice Concert (Woodlands Nursing Home, Cherrybrook, NSW) 

11/2/2019. 31st Hospice Concert (DHL Centre, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

21/1/2019. 30th Hospice Concert (Estia Health Nursing Home, Ryde NSW) 

10/12/2018. 29th Hospice Concert
’(Grace Wood Centre, Baptist Care, Kellyville, NSW)

12/11/2018. 28th Hospice Concert 
’(Southern Cross Aged Care, Marsfield NSW)

12/11/2018. The Second Volunteer Award Ceremony

 (With the corporation of Korea Consular in Sydney  and Sydney Korean Society
(Award: Keum Kui Lee/Jung Hee Song/Soon Ja Sung/Yoon Sub Jung/ Young Hee Kim

23/10/2018. Registered in ACNC as an alias ‘Good Family

15/10/2018. 27th Hospice Concert
(St Catherine Aged Service, Eastwood, NSW )

24/9/2018 ~ 28/9. Fourth Korea-Australia Hospice Volunteer Training and First Aid Training

24/9/2018. 26th Hospice Concert (Shalom Centre, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

17/9/2018 ACC Office Opening Service(address: 17 Lansdowne St. Eastwood, NSW 2122)

13/8/2018. 25th Hospice Concert (Windermere Aged Care, Summer Hill, NSW)

11/8/2018. 2nd ACC Hospice General Assembly (Jino's Restaurant, Strathfield, NSW)

15/7~4/8 2018 Special Prayer for leasing our own office to supply soft food to cancer patients

9/7/2018. 24th Hospice Concert (Columbia Aged Care, Strathfield, NSW)

4/7/2018. Chairperson/Public Officer Rev Jang Dae, Kim signed agreements (MOU) with GOOD TV (Christian Gospel Broadcasting System)


2/7/2018. Chairperson/Public Officer Rev Jang Dae, Kim signed agreements (MOU) with Soonsil Cyber University


18/6/2018. 23rd Hospice Concert (Uniting Thomas Roseby Lodge, Marrickville, NSW)

7/5/2018  22nd Hospice Concert(DHL Center, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

16/4/2018  21st Hospice Concert (Meredith Nursing Home, Strathfield, NSW) 


12/3/2018  20th Hospice Concert (Woodlands Nursing Home, Cherrybrook, NSW)


22/2/2018 19th Hospice Concert (-Special Invitation-

(Shalom Center, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park, NSW)

1/2/2018 Sent to missionary to prepare for the establishment of Melbourne Hospice (Pastor Soon Hee Lee)

23~25/1/2018 1st Hospice Visiting Chaplain Training 

22/1/2018 18th Hospice Concert (Estia Health Nursing Home, Ryde) 

20/1/2018  "500th Walking Along the Beach with Cancer Patients" event (Clifton Gardens Reserve, Morella Rd., Mosman NSW)

18/12/2017 17th Hospice Concert (Gracewood Centre, Baptist Care, Kylliville)


04/12/2017 ACC Hospice, awarded by Korean Australian Community Support Incorporated)

20/11/2017 First ACC Hospice Volunteer Conference

            (Jung Hee Song, Keum Kui Lee, awarded by Baptist Care)

20/11/2017 16th Hospice Concert (Southern Cross Aged Care, Marsfield) 

30/10/2017 15th  Hospice Concert (St Catherine Aged Service, Eastwood)

23/10/2016 First Checed Healing Performance (Linburn Nursing Home, Strathfield)

25~29/9/2017 Third Korea-Australia Hospice Volunteer Training and First Aid Training


25/9/2017 `14th Hospice Concert (Shalom Centre, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park)”

2/9/2017 Special guest speaker, Dr. Tae Sik Jung (Clifton Gardens, 1pm)

25/8/2017 Chairperson/Public Officer Rev Jang Dae, Kim signed agreements (MOU) with Ko Shin University Hospital 

14/8/2017 13th Hospice Concert(Uniting Thomas Roseby Lodge, Marrickville)

12/8/2017 5th SICA General Meeting and 1st ACC General Assembly (Jino's Restaurant, Strathfield, NSW)

10/7/2017 12th Hospice Concert (Jesmond Aged Care, Strathfield)

12/6/2017 Chairperson/Public Officer Rev Jang Dae, Kim signed agreements (MOU) with Anyang Sam Hospital

5/6/2017 11th Hospice Concert (Columbia Aged Care, Strathfield)

12/5/2017 Certificate of Appreciation from Baptist Care 

8/5/2017 `10th Hospice Concert (Cooinda Court, Baptist Care, Macquarie Park)


25/4/2017 ~ 27/4/2017 Second Korea-Australia Hospice Volunteer Training : Kye Myung University, Dong San Hospital Hospice, 60 Attendee (4 persons from Australia)

10/4/2017 9th Hospice Concert (The Gracewood Centre, Baptist Care, Kellyville)



20/3/2017 8th Hospice Concert (Meredith House Nursing Home, Strathfield)



20/2/2017 7th Hospice Concert (Woodlands Nursing Home, Cherrybrook)

20/1/2017 6th Hospice Concert (Estia Health Nursing Home, Ryde)


31/12/2016 1st Hospice Mother's Award (Keum Gui Lee,

Ji Soo Jang, Jung Ok Jang)

22/12/2016 5th Concert (Baptist Care, Shalom Centre)

3/12/2016 Year-end party of the Beach-Side Walking for patients with Cancer (40 Participants)

30/11/2016 4th Concert (Windermere Aged Care, Summer Hill, NSW)

26/9/2016~6/10/2016 First Korea-Australia Volunteer Training

Guest Speaker: Dr. Je Kyu Jeon(Dong San Hospital Doctor/  

         Founder of Korea Hospice Association/Advisor of SICA)

         Mr. Kyung Hwan Kim(Hospice Volunteee, Dong San Hospital)

         Graduated 13 people among 24 students

28/9/2016 3rd Concert for Thanks giving days (Baptist Care, DHL Centre)

26/9/2016 First Aid Training (18 Trainees)

20/8/2016 The Fourth Annual General Meeting (Location: Moji restaurant (Strathfield) Time:15:00)

Resolution: The establishment of Australian Association of Cancer Care Incorporated (AACCI) (Australian Hospice Association): Sydney Hospice (SICA) was voted to establish Australian Association of Cancer Care Incorporated (AACCI) in the 8th Committee, to broaden the hospice ministry in Australia party. Together with the ratification of the SICA General Meeting of members for the establishment of the Australian hospice Association (AACCI). The Hospice Association of Australia (AACCI) elected the Committee Members as follows:

Chairperson / Public Officer(Representative): Jang Dae Kim

Treasurer: Jung Hee Song, Secretary: Soon Ja Sung,

Audit: Cheol Ho Cho

03/8/2016 Australian Association of Cancer care Incorporated(ABN 17 110 189115)  was registered by ACNC and NSW Fair Trading.

09/5/2016 2nd Concert for celebrating Parents Day(Baptist Care Shalom Centre)

03/5/2016 Open Natural Rehabilitation Room at Hospice office

01/01/2016 Open SICA Home Page(

28/12/2015 1st Concert during Christmas Seasons (Baptist Care Shalom Centre)

24/10/2015 The Third Annual General Meeting (Location: Moji restaurant (Strathfield) Time:15:30)
Resolution: Without the correct Korean Name of “the Committee” set forth in the Constitution of SICA are used as the "Steering Committee(woonyoung wiwonhoi)” or "Board of Directors(yisahoi)" called names. As a result we have brought havoc to the organization operating. After the third Annual General Meeting the "Board of Directors (yisahoi)" has been disbanded, "the Committee" named in the Constitution of SICA decided to use as the same English word “the Committee” and also to receive a few new Committee Members. As an alias AICA (Australia Institute of Cancer Aid) decided to use together with the public title “SICA.”

30/09/2015 Chairperson/Public Officer Rev Jang Dae, Kim signed agreements (MOU) with Keimyung University Daegu Dongsan Hospital hospice centre

25/09/2015 Chairperson/Public Officer Rev Jang Dae, Kim signed agreements (MOU) with Kosin University Busan Gospel Hospital hospice centre


10/08/2015 New office settled on St Phillip's Anglican Church

      (29 Clanalpine St. Eastwood NSW 2122)

08/08/2015 The Second special general meeting (Venue: Moji Restaurant, Agenda: Vote of confidence for new representative, Rev Jang Dae, Kim): Rev Jang Dae, Kim for new representative (Chairperson/Public Officer), 96% in favor) (New Hospice voluntary work started from April 2015) 


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